When we negotiate a PBC agreement, we agree to become responsible for the remediation of all predetermined and agreed upon contamination identified.  

MAS is proud of the work our staff  has done with the FDEP and private sector clients in regards to Performance-Based Cleanup sites.  By using a Performance-Based Cleanup (PBC) approach, we are able to provide timely and cost efficient methods of conducting cleanup from initial site assessment to site rehabilitation completion at a fixed fee. 

PBC’s are designed so any payments made are based on measured progress towards reaching specific cleanup goals.  This method differs from the traditional approach where payments to designated contractors are based upon efforts expended regardless of the results obtained.

When MAS negotiates a PBC agreement, we agree to become responsible for the remediation of all predetermined and agreed upon contamination identified beneath the site.  This allows the clients to quantify any potential risks or exposures and ensures that they will have an expedited cleanup.

Not only has MAS successfully partnered with the FDEP and individual site owners, but we have also become an important liaison between property owners of contaminated locations and insurance companies.  Holding regular meetings in the offices of these insurance companies ensures the client’s best interests are protected and a successful remediation strategy is agreed upon by all parties involved.

MAS has provided PBC cleanup services for five petroleum contaminated sites and we continue to expand our role in PBC services.  Technologies implemented to fulfill the PBC contracts have included AS/SVE, chemical injection, groundwater recovery and treatment, and HVDPE.  

When we negotiate

Performance Based Cleanup

Your Partner in Environmental Solutions.